Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Jan 7 '12

Blood sugar 93 this morning.
Going to a funeral for the kids' pediatrician.
He was the good parent of two of April's church buddies and was very supportive of April when she had Abbie. A good man; gone now.

Lots of stress in the house now.
April lied about her whereabouts for the time we were out at the camp.
She has been lying, but I was trying get her to a place where she could tell the truth.
Not able too.

So we are going to clamp down on her until she either leaves, or straightens up.
There is probably another scenario that I am missing. But those are the two that I want most.
Her to straighten up and then leave. Better that she make her way through life knowing the difference between a lie and the truth.

Mostly this has not seemed to affect my blood sugar - it spiked for a bit over the holidays (up 10%) but I seem to be back in my new norm (90's) now. I probably need to schedule my 90 day HBa1c and checkup with Dr.Isaac. Need to check that.

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