Friday, January 27, 2012

New Bloggering

Today was P90x legs and back + Ab Ripper.
I did not know last week that Ii ws supposed to Ab rip on friday - but now I  do!

Yesterday I published my first UH  Futures Blog on an infographic for dance.
I am going to start pipelining a few. I have one on Life (John Conway) stocked on my diigo account.
Ii am thinking about doing a write up on the Fish Banks simulation from the angle of two PhDs helping 8 students through the course work. Tthat shoudl sell well!

BG was 90 this Am. Staying steady as I increase my work outs.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Plyometrics - round two

I was able to do more this time.
The first round was very confusing, the new motions, the speed, the switching to each new movement.
but finish it I  did.
into my second week of the p90x and I  am feeling it, and feeling good.
fist night of the World Futures Class last night.
Met Dr. Ezell at the Technology college. She has been around for a few years and is a very intense prof!
World futures looks pretty good.
Reading to do today for the Systems class - lots of reading...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day P07x - a tired proud, Type 2

Well today I  did the stretch dvd for P90x and I must say that I am relieved to be through the first week.
There is of course a lot more to go, but it is a gerat feeling of accomplishment to have made the week.
BG was 92 this am.
I  really enjoyed the yoga and the stretch days.
I  think that the focus on the excercise has calmed me down considerably.

My eating today was probably not exemplary, but here it is

Breakfast taco(s) 1) egg and bacon and 1) barbcoa
yogurt (carbmaster)
cheese stick
rib eye steak
sweet potato with sour cream and margarine
lettuce salad with Blue Cheese dressing
black-eyed peas with ham bone and ham chunks.

Life is good in Baytown!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day p03x

Into my P90x by three days now.
My BG was 87 this morning. and according to the fitnesspal program Ii scarfed down almost 2400 Calories yesterday.
Eating well, sore as hell!

Today is my first class for spring - systems thinking.
Hopefully after this one I will be able to see forest for the trees.

Monday, January 16, 2012


First day of the P90x.
Some of the stuff Ii had to put down zeroes for. Could not do them. left hand is a handicap, but should get better.
BG was 94.
will do the ab workout tonight before dinner.
splitting them up so I can get to work on time.
and still get up at my usual time 4Am.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nother day

Noticed this Am that I am not being vigilant about taking my BG in the mornings again.
94 today.
I get a little complacent when the numbers are good - more diligent when they stray.
Not my best behavior. :)
Probably need to count up my strips and get Dr. Isaac to prescribe me some more.
I am somewhat apprehensive about the new P90x program which starts tomorrow.
Well what does not kill me should make me stronger.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fit test and moving forward

The p90x fit test was brutal and I did not do well.
Hopefully that means that I will see a great deal of improvement!
I really was not able to determine my resting heart rate.
As soon as I started the new program my POlar HR monitor crapped out.
I thought it was the battery on the receiver so I replaced it, but turns out it is like the waterpump dilemma. it is never the thermostat. well it is never the receiver battery either! Once I  replaced the battery in the receiver everything started working well and then after 12 minutes or so the display went to 0bpm.
That pretty much illuminates the transmitter as dead. to buy a new transmitter is 34 bucks. to get the old one repaired is more. Really.

So my fit test [done with Marci as my coach and timer, and Abbie and Claire (3 and 2 yr olds) imitating my every move]
  • Wide stance full hanging pull ups 0
  • Vertical leap 11"
  • Push ups 8 (had to use my fist as my left palm is still hinky from the surgery)
  • Toe touch 4-1/4" beyond toes
  • Wall squat 56 seconds
  • Bicep curls 20 @ 20lbs (both arms)
  • In and outs 20
  • Max heart rate and recovery
  • t = 0  163bpm
  • t = 1  110bpm
  • t = 2  86bpm (this is when CF decided to start bawling about crapping her diaper :) )
  • t = 3  95bpm
  • t = 4  89bpm
Hopefully this will all get better as I get in to P01x and etc...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fit Test day

Tonight I will do my P90x fit test.
I will do the P90 regardless, but it will be a good test of my fitness to start.Ii am thinking about shaving my chest; seems weird, but the pictures are so different.
Blood sugar 89 this am.
need to work on the diet for p90 more.
I want to see my abs, but I am also taking the Metformin and do not want to submarine my BG.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Jan 7 '12

Blood sugar 93 this morning.
Going to a funeral for the kids' pediatrician.
He was the good parent of two of April's church buddies and was very supportive of April when she had Abbie. A good man; gone now.

Lots of stress in the house now.
April lied about her whereabouts for the time we were out at the camp.
She has been lying, but I was trying get her to a place where she could tell the truth.
Not able too.

So we are going to clamp down on her until she either leaves, or straightens up.
There is probably another scenario that I am missing. But those are the two that I want most.
Her to straighten up and then leave. Better that she make her way through life knowing the difference between a lie and the truth.

Mostly this has not seemed to affect my blood sugar - it spiked for a bit over the holidays (up 10%) but I seem to be back in my new norm (90's) now. I probably need to schedule my 90 day HBa1c and checkup with Dr.Isaac. Need to check that.