Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I have been reading a ton!
The two classes this semester are chock a block each week and then there are the long term assignments too.
Working through the P90x for the third go round is interesting. The first three week period I substituted the bike route for the cardio. Did the Tour de Cure with Josue. 47 miles. Still lifting.
I forgot how hard some of that was since I had not done so much of it during the Lean experience.
Legs and back - hard.
Plyo metrics - hard.

Hoping to get my weight back in the upper 170s as it has creeped into the mid 180s. I don't look bad, but it is s slippery slope. Body fat % is at 21so that seems in control.

My blood sugar has been good, but I need to get an HBa1c to be certain.

Still working on the Slaughter paper. Maybe that was not my best idea..,

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