Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's rest week. Week 8 of the P90x Classic.
The first 4 weeks was a little messy due to all of the travel, but this 4 week period has been largely uninterrupted.
Blood sugar is staying in the range and my weight is still low 180s.
Today BG was 93 but typically runs 95 to 101.

Long drive today from work to Tyler Texas. Kicking off a job for a refinery to try to limit flaring events.
Good work.
I set my retirement date for February 3, 2020.
Makes me relax a little bit, but also a little nervous. :)
School is really good right now.
Had lunch with President Khator last week as part of a focus group.
So impressed with the kids that are working on their Masters and PhDs
Marci says that I  should work on my own doctorate.
I wonder what Ii would work on?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I have been reading a ton!
The two classes this semester are chock a block each week and then there are the long term assignments too.
Working through the P90x for the third go round is interesting. The first three week period I substituted the bike route for the cardio. Did the Tour de Cure with Josue. 47 miles. Still lifting.
I forgot how hard some of that was since I had not done so much of it during the Lean experience.
Legs and back - hard.
Plyo metrics - hard.

Hoping to get my weight back in the upper 170s as it has creeped into the mid 180s. I don't look bad, but it is s slippery slope. Body fat % is at 21so that seems in control.

My blood sugar has been good, but I need to get an HBa1c to be certain.

Still working on the Slaughter paper. Maybe that was not my best idea..,