Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Got HASFit?

I have been enjoying the various routines hosted by HasFit on their YouTube channel. I started with the 90 day warrior program and then made a few changes to set my own challenges up. I like to have yoga in my weekly routine. It's hard. It challenges my balance. It makes me sore. But I like the yoga meme. 
I added bikram yoga in January. 105 degrees. 40 % humidity. One and a half hours of stretching, power, balance, challenge, and presencing. It makes me tired, sore and kicks the shitty thoughts out of me. Right out. 
On Sundays I do a flow yoga as prepared by Pocket Yoga on my iPad. I do 45 minutes alternating between three routines, mountain, ocean, dessert. Strength, flexibility, and serenity. I do this on the intermediate level but I can't do all of the balance moves. I am going to need some pro instruction to get to that level I guess. 

Monday I try to kick off with a tough aerobic HIIT routine. Tuesdays and Thursdays are strength - I've been stuck on upper body for a bit, my legs are strong from all the jumping around and the biking. Wednesdays I do the hot yoga. Sunday we talked about. I will skip Sunday occasionally, but I rarely skip Saturday which is kickboxing or MMA day. I love to kick and pretend punch.

I am a Fu fighter. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Zombie Employees

What is a zombie employee?
Why do they keep looking alive and coming back, back, back!?

For my purposes a zombie employee is an employee that has been eviscerated by circumstance, lack of management support, health issues, or such. These employees often live the living death for years; showing up to work every day, not really contributing anything, maybe not even grumbling, just existing as the living dead in the workplace. The term "warm bodies" comes to mind - we hear this a lot when we talk about the upcoming productivity increase due to the harnessing of Watson, Siri, and the like. Warmbody employees are simply at the switch in case the power goes down or an unexpected program feature comes up that has undesirable effects.

What motivates zombie employees to keep coming back? In my opinion there are two major states of being in which the zombies may exist: knowing they are a zombie and not knowing. The most common state of being is Not Knowing. This employee has been so overwhelmed with criticism, negative feedback, or no feedback that they no longer act other than to show up. These employees take a lot of sick leave and may not have any friends at work. They are typically very passive. The other state is the knowing zombie. This employee is rarer, and is typically more edgy than the other. This zombie may be actively seeking "brains" and can be somewhat passive aggressive. The surrounding unknowing zombie employees may be actively shunning this edgy zombie as the status quo is being disrupted.

More thoughts another day!