Sunday, December 25, 2011

Been thinking about this

I have been thinking that I should get back to my blog for some time. I  have been cvery busy though and i think that my diabetes control is going well.
My dailies run from 90 to 105 and my HbA1c is getting lower.
Fighting a wicked bacterium marinus infection that caused my an invasive hand surgery and 6 months of Claritromyacin. Good photostream is
I have finished a semester of Future Studies at UofH and so far I  have a 4.0 in grad school.
It will be getting harder...
Still exercising 4 days a week. varying cardio on elliptical trainier and a varied strength regime.
Weight is down and Ii am looking to get into my small pants size with 32 inch waist. It's been a long time since Ii saw those!

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