Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Good Morning 2013
I got my wake up call last Thursday when I weighed in at work at 194!
That means that since last January I have put on 11 pounds
I did put on a few over the last months of 2012, and I was pretty cocky about my waist line staying the same - and then it wasn't!
Still doing P90x routines.
I did not stop, but I have never picked up their nutrition guidance.
maybe I should be less focused on the diabetes and more on the nutrition with my eye to the daily meter check?
Doing some back web work on wild apricot for the Association of Professional futurists is making me wish for a more consistent word processing interface globally...

Core synergistic kicked my butt this morning.
felt good to sweat and have to quit on some moves because I  was pushing all the way!

Anyway, spirits good and lots of trips planned for the first part of the year.
Looks like a good one!